Bullet Chart with Floating Icons

Vignesh Suresh
2 min readMar 3, 2023


Here is a Tableau Quick Tip (QT) on creating a Bullet Chart with floating icons. It is inspired by Toan Hoang’s work. So in less than 5 minutes, we will be building this cool data visualization.

We will be using Sample Superstore for this example

Calculated Fields

Create the following Calculated Fields




Note: this calculation appends an exact amount of distance to the Latest sales value, this is because we want the logo to sit above the bars, but with a constant amount, so we take the maximum value in the data visualization.


Let us now build our worksheet.

Drag Region to Columns

Drag 2020 to Rows.

Change Mark type to Bar. Then Drag 2019 to Detail.

Drag the Reference Line and change it to Per Cell and make changes as shown below

Drag Floating to Rows and make it a dual axis. Change Mark type to Shape. Drag Variance to Shape. Choose Images as per your choice for True and False. I am choosing the images from KPIs. If it goes well, you should see the following

Hope you found this helpful. Thanks for reading

Vignesh Suresh



Tableau Public

