3 Pie/Doughnut Charts in Tableau with Map Layers.
In this tutorial, I will show how to create 3 Pie/Doughnut Charts in Tableau. We will use Map Layers for each of these tutorials, so Tableau 2020.4 or greater needs to be installed.
Image Sector Pie Chart
Open Tableau. We will be using a custom dataset as shown below.
We need 2 Layers, the Image and the Pie. We start with the Image layer.
Create a Calculation Base as shown below and drag it to the Sheet.
Change the Mark to an Image. Get the image of a Cookie to the Tableau Repository Shapes Folder and it should look like this
Our Image Layer is complete. Now comes the Pie layer, Drag the Base calculation again on the Sheet. This time, choose Mark type as Pie. Drag Brand Name to Color and Value to Angle shelf. We will highlight “Our Brand” value in the Brand Name column.
So, choose 2 color shades (I have taken Red here.) for other Brands. For Our Brand sector of the pie, we need to have the cookie image seen. So, we will not choose the normal color but will choose the Transparent Color. Create a new palette as shown below
<color-palette name="Transparent White" type="regular" >
After creating a palette, Close and Open Tableau. You should be able to see the Transparent palette. It will look as shown below
Our Brand is colored with a Transparent Color.
We can use this visual to highlight a particular brand in presentations created in PowerPoint or Tableau. Do not use this in Business Dashboards.
Image Pie Chart
Again, we have 2 Layers, the Image layer, and the Pie layer. We will be using a fictional dataset as shown below
We start with the Image layer.
Use the same Calculation Base as shown below and drag it to the Sheet.
Change the Mark to an Image. Get the image of 1 dollar coin to Tableau Repository Shapes Folder and it should look like this
Our Image Layer is complete. Now comes the Pie layer, Drag the Base calculation again on the Sheet. This time, choose Mark type as Pie. Drag Breakup of Expenses to Color and Value to Angle shelf. Color all the values as the Transparent Color. It will look as shown below
The pie is colored with a Transparent Color.
We can use this visual to highlight a particular brand in presentations created in PowerPoint or Tableau. Do not use this in Business Dashboards.
3D Doughnut Chart
Connect to the Superstore Dataset in Tableau. For this, we need 3 Layers, the Pie, the Doughnut hole, and the 3D effect circle.
We start with the Pie layer. Drag the Base calculation in the sheet. Choose Mark type as Pie. Drag Category to Color and Sales to Angle. Increase the size as needed. It will look as shown below.
Then comes our Doughnut hole layer, Drag the Base calculation to the Sheet. Choose Mark as a Circle and color it White. It should look as shown below.
Now comes the 3D effect circle layer, Drag the Base calculation to the Sheet. Choose Mark type as Circle. Increase the size but it should be more than the middle circle. Choose color as Black and reduce the opacity to 30%(You can adjust as per your needs). It will look as shown below
Do not use this in Business Dashboards. This is just a creativity kind of visual and gives us a sense of what Tableau as a tool can do.
Thank you for reading. Connect with me on Twitter and LinkedIn, and check out my Tableau Public profile for more visualizations.
Vignesh Suresh